
Please Support our Partners in our Outreach program:


EACM logo

    EACM updates.  Food donations are always needed.   Click here for more information    


Saving kids’ lives.  Strengthening Families. 

Want to get involved? Look no further!

Join me on a tour! Sign up here.

Make a wish come true by filling a need from our Amazon Wish List.

We will have tours and activities happening throughout this time, so drop in whenever is convenient for you.

Shelby Allen (she/her)
Community Engagement Manager
c -  502.553.0068
p- 502.271.4650
e - sallen@maryhurst.org



Peaceful Cities logo

We were honored to support and be a part of the Resonant Peaceful Cities Project.  We believed we could all help bring peace to our city, country, and the world through concerted efforts at attesting peace.  Look at the link below to see how we may have actually achieved some benefit for our city:

Links to Peaceful Cities Project results





Racial unity image

Help us all live together in peace by participating in our

Anti-Racism Challenge 
by  https://listenlearnact.org/

The 4-Week Anti-Racism Challenge (ARC) works much the same as a food or fitness challenge: by regularly participating in anti-racism activities, we naturally develop better habits of noticing and challenging racism in our daily lives. 

Click here for how to sign up and much more




Black Owned Businesses image

Join us as Louisville celebrates black owned businesses. Black individuals are 23% of Louisville's population and 2% of the city's business owners. In the spirit of oneness central to our faith, we invite our friends and congregants to join us in visiting and supporting black owned businesses.

For a directory click the link below:

Directory of Black Owned Businesses




Peace 2030

In 1986, when the United Nations Children's Fund sent a peace torch relay around the planet during The First Earth Run, an amazing thing happened - all wars stopped for 85 days in the countries that received the torch as the world was riveted by this unifying event.

Intrigued? Want to know more?  Click here.
You will learn how to form a team and engage the actions to create more peace within yourself, in your community and in the world.

January 3rd, 2024 Information Meeting - click here for details




Crosby Middle Mascot

Crosby needs school supplies for this year. Please drop items at the church.

Some of the items they need are:

Spiral notebooks


